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I am interested in how species and ecosystems respond to acute environmental changes with an emphasis on those induced by human impact.

I aim to study these questions by exploring animal behavior, evolutionary ecology and functional genomics. My focus has been on invasion biology and conservation genomics, studying birds and mammals (and others) in various ecosystems worldwide. I advocate communicating science to audiences beyond the academic community and in increasing diversity in research. 

Postdoctoral fellow, a Marie Curie (GF) postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen (the GLOBE Institute, PI: Tom Gilbert) and the University of California Davis (PI: Rachael Bay)
Ph.D., the School Zoology, Tel Aviv University, Israel

M.Sc,. the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
B.Sc., Animal Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

E-mail: talimagory[at]

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